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9/20/2024 - Improvements to Load Posting Visibility
Updated over 5 months ago

We’ve updated load visibility to improve accuracy and give you more control over where your loads are posted. These changes also include important updates to the user interface (UI), making it easier to see the status of your loads and understand when changes are made.

What’s New?

Saved Visibility Settings
When you update or manually post a load, your intended visibility settings are now saved. This ensures that loads are posted exactly where you want them, with no discrepancies.

Real-Time Visibility
The visibility shown on the screen now always reflects the actual posting status of your loads, so you’ll know exactly where your loads are visible at any given time.

Improved Visibility Circle
The visibility circle in the UI has been updated to give a clearer view of load statuses:

Full Green: Posted both internally and externally

Half Green: Posted either internally or externally

Empty: Shared via a link only

Orange: Indicates a posting issue

New Activity Feed Events
We’ve added new events to the activity feed so you can track any changes to load visibility and postings, including updates and errors.

Updated UI for Easier Tracking

Posting in Boxes
Postings are now displayed in clearer boxes, and the Post/Hide buttons are no longer dropdowns, making it easier to take action on your loads.

Custom Posting Visibility
When you manually update a posting, you’ll now see a new message indicating that custom visibility settings have been applied, giving you confidence in how the load is posted.

Automatic Posting Details
When a load is automatically posted, the posting box will show the current status, so you can easily confirm that it’s been successfully posted.

Manual Posting Details
If you or another user manually posts a load, the posting box will reflect who posted it, making it easier to track user actions.

Deleted Postings
For loads that are automatically deleted (for example, when a load is assigned), the posting box will clearly display this. If a user manually deletes a load, the name of the user responsible will be shown, adding transparency to the process.

Error Messages
If an error occurs during posting, the system will now display an error message directly in the posting box, making it clear when something has gone wrong.

New Posting Details

These changes are designed to improve the accuracy of your load postings and make it easier to track where your loads are visible.

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