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Auto Accept Under Max (AAUM)
Auto Accept Under Max (AAUM)

Learn how Parade can automatically accept quotes on your loads if they are within your defined Max Rate.

Updated over a month ago

Our Auto Accept Under Max feature causes quotes to be automatically accepted upon being received if their Rate is below your Auto Accept Under Max range, even if higher than your Book Now Rate defined on the load.

This feature can assist you with minimizing Carrier Rep time spent negotiating loads that are already receiving quotes on a margin you are expecting to book them for, and can assist with reducing Margin Leakage and missed opportunities.

In order to turn this feature on, you'll need to reach out to our Support Team at, or your Customer Success Manager.

Although there are some requirements for this feature to function, such as having a Book Now Integration between Parade and your TMS, and a Max Rate price in your loads received on Paarade, you can count on our team to guide and assist you in getting this feature set up.

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