Team Action Reports Overview
At Parade, we think of metrics as "input" or "output" metrics. "Inputs" are the things you can do or the knobs you can tune - and "outputs" are the results you get. If you want to change an output, change an input first.
We've divided our reporting along these lines:
Carrier Rep Actions - this report shows what actions (full list below) carrier reps are taking in Parade.
Carrier Manager Actions - this report shows which actions Carrier Managers are taking in Parade.
Brokerage Team Performance - this report shows the impact of those actions, at both the carrier rep and team level
Let's walk through the details of each of these reports and then talk about how to use these to drive more success and digital bookings.
Carrier Rep Actions
You can filter the following reports to a specified time frame to understand various actions your reps are taking in Parade. If a metric returns no results, then we found no data on that given action in Parade UI.
Lane Preferences & Available Trucks - Did a person capture any carrier lane preferences or available trucks (potentially even getting quotes for those available trucks)? Our Lanes & Trucks feature lets you capture a carrier's lane preferences and available trucks while talking to them on the phone.
Book Now Requests & Carrier Invitations - Did a person send any Book Now requests or invite any carriers to Parade? A carrier needs a Parade login to book digitally, and Book Now allows brokers to request digital bookings for loads with set prices.
User Rate Changes - Did a person edit the rate prices on a load? How many times have they interacted with loads on Parade recently? Updating rate prices on a load impacts margin strategy, carrier interest, and automated quote acceptance.
Quotes Received - Who is receiving the most digital quotes? What happens with these quotes? Whose quotes lead to the highest rate of bookings?
Quote Acceptance - Who is accepting competitive digital quotes within Parade? How many of those quotes result in bookings? What are the margin outcomes of accepted quotes?
Quote Countering - Who is countering digital quotes? How often do counters result in bookings? What is the impact of countering quotes on margin outcomes?
Quote Declines - Who is declining quotes in Parade’s UI? What are the common reasons for declining quotes?
Carrier Onboarding - Are my reps inviting carriers into our network? Are these carriers taking loads after onboarding? Do these carriers have a Parade login to digitally book?
Carrier Manager Actions
In this dashboard, we provide insights on improving your carrier profiles and reporting on the performance of managed carriers.
Managed Carrier Network
This section shows how many of your in-network carriers have a carrier manager assigned. To assign someone to a carrier, go into the carrier profile and navigate to automation settings.
Recommended Actions
We provide recommended actions to improve your carrier network. Click on the carrier’s DOT number in each query to go directly to the carrier’s profile within Parade.
In this section we provide recommended actions to take to improve your carrier network. Within each query, you can click the carrier’s dot number to take you directly to the carrier’s profile within Parade. Here are the actions we suggest:
Highest Volume Carriers Not Enabled to Book Now - This query shows your highest volume carrier’s in order of volume over the specified time period who are not enabled to book your loads digitally. Recommended action is to turn on automation for these carriers so they can book your loads without needing to contact a rep or quote.
Highest Volume Carriers Not Enabled to Quote - This query shows your highest volume carrier’s in order of volume over the specified time period who are not enabled to quote your loads digitally. Recommended action is to enable quote for these carriers to increase the number of digital quotes your brokerage receives.
Highest Volume Carriers Without A Parade Login - This query shows your highest volume carrier’s in order of volume over the specified time period who do not have a Parade log in. Carrier’s with log ins are able to find loads through your private portal and have a higher success rate of automation. This is also a win for the carrier because they get access to more freight. Recommended action is to invite the carrier to onboard onto Parade either within the UI or in your own form of communication.
Carriers Who Have Digitally Booked With Others But Not You - This query shows your highest volume carrier’s in order of volume over the specified time period who have digitally booked with other brokers but not you. Recommended action is to make sure these carriers are enabled for automation and create smart lanes or lane preferences to get them more access to your load offers.
Highest Quoting Carriers Who Have Not Booked A Load - This query shows your highest quoting carriers over the specified time but have not booked a load. This could be due to missing quotes or the carrier’s rate being slightly off. Recommended Action is to work with the carrier to see what the rate they need for where they are quoting.
Highest Volume Carriers Without A Lane Preference - This query shows your highest volume carrier’s in order of volume over the specified time period who do not have an active Lane Preference. Lane preferences get these carriers early offers on loads and increases their visibility into available loads at your brokerage. Recommended Action is to contact carriers to learn what lanes they typically run and for what rate.
Brokerage Team Performance
Within this dashboard, you can toggle to view the data by Load Owner, Carrier Manager, or Team. Some companies assign relationships to carrier managers, while others rely solely on load owners. This toggle allows for flexible data analysis.
Please be aware that we classify Load Owners as the one assigning a load to a carrier, and Carrier Managers as the person set as the Carrier Manager for the assigned Carrier's Carrier Profile.
Example: If John assigns a load to DOT 123456, which has Robert as it's Carrier Manager, then John will be the "Load Owner" and Robert the "Carrier Manager" on the respective reports.
Booked Loads & Margin Outcomes
Who is booking the most loads?
How are my team members booking loads?
How many loads are booked within Parade vs. outside Parade?
What are the financial outcomes of all booked loads per rep?
Margin Leakage
Margin leakage occurs when Parade generates a quote from a qualified carrier, but the load is booked with a different carrier at a higher rate.
Margin Leakage Calculation – The difference between the received quote price on Parade and the higher price booked manually by a rep.
Reducing Margin Leakage – Increase carrier rep activity in Parade’s UI or turn on Auto Accept Under Max (AAUM) to reduce leakage.
Using These Metrics to Drive Performance
Metrics help understand current performance but also drive more digital bookings and quotes. Here’s how our customers use them:
Recognition – Identify top performers, highlight their actions, and encourage best practices.
Compensation – Tie certain outcomes (e.g., number of Book Nows) to promotions.
Competition – Run challenges (e.g., most Lane Preferences created in a week) to increase engagement.
Missing Metrics?
We hope these reports are useful, but if there are additional metrics that would help develop carrier reps, please let us know: