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CoDriver Strict Mode

Want to use CoDriver with stricter carrier validation rules? Read more on CoDriver's Strict Mode Feature below.

Updated over a month ago


CoDriver by default will always filter out any requests from carriers who have the no_dispatch flag on their Carrier Profiles, and if the carrier is in Parade's Suspicious Emails list. Any carriers who fall under either of those criteria will be ghosted by CoDriver, without giving away the reasoning behind their conversations not being followed up on, as to not alert Fraudsters that they've already been identified.

We do however understand that some broker operations might require more control and stricter rules as to which Carriers are allowed to interact with CoDriver, and this is how CoDriver's Strict Mode was brought to life.

How Strict Mode Works

Strict Mode controls the conversations by changing how CoDriver manages the conversations. It's features are:

  1. Ensure that the load details will be shared with the Carrier only after they've been identified by CoDriver, and have had a greenlight in the Carrier Vetting process for the Brokerage in question - which may include checking for Compliance Partners such as RMIS, MCP, or HWY.

  2. Limit CoDriver to engage or not in the conversation only after identifying the Carrier and checking if it passes through Carrier Vetting first.

Strict Mode and Outbound/CounterQuote interactions.

At the current moment, Strict Mode will also block you from sending manual outbound or counterquotes via CoDriver to carriers that are not greenlit by the Strict Mode Vetting process.

On Outbound Interactions, this can be identified by the greyed out button that blocks you from starting conversations with those Carriers. Meanwhile, CounterQuote can't be used since the carrier in question wouldn't have been able to quote to one of your loads using CoDriver, thus stopping the Counter Quote CoDriver Flow from being able to be triggered.

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