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Smart Rules Performance Dashboard
Smart Rules Performance Dashboard

An overview of how your Smart Rules are performing and how you can tune them for more quotes and digital bookings

MaryKate Hassing avatar
Written by MaryKate Hassing
Updated over a week ago

We recently launched the Smart Rules Performance Dashboard to show you how your Smart Rules are performing and what you can do to get more quotes and digital bookings. Let's walk through this in detail.

Rules Overview

The first part of the report shows how many Smart Rules you have created and if any are going to have issues:

  • Non-instant send - Only Instant Send rules generate an email. The other ones will improve recommended freight for a carrier but not notify them directly when new freight is available. If you want an email sent, changes the Smart Rule to be Instant Send

  • No Dispatch - Carriers who you put into No Dispatch state (i.e., can't be worked with) will not be sent matching freight. If you want to email these carriers, you need to turn off No Dispatch for these carriers.

  • Carriers Not Enabled for Parade - If a carrier is not yet set up for Parade they cannot receive an email. Enable them for Parade if you want them to receive the Smart Rule email.

  • Carriers Missing Contact Info - A carrier must have a primary contact in order to receive an email.

You can make all these changes via a carrier's profile page and the next section of the report lets you see which Smart Rule isn't properly configured and why. For each, click the URL to go to a page where you can make changes:

Note: you may also see Smart Rules with "No carrier specified". In this case you have created a Smart Rule that does not apply to any carrier so it cannot send an email. You need to find this Smart Rule and either delete it or add a carrier to it.

The last part of this section is a list of the number of Smart Rules created by month for the past 12 months:

This is a convenient way to quickly make sure that your team is still learning from carriers and creating rules.

Email Performance

The next section shows the specific performance of different Smart Rules. We measure performance across two time dimensions:

  • Daily, for the last 7 days

  • Monthly, for the last 6 months

We measure performance along a few dimensions:

  • How many emails were sent?

  • How many emails were opened?

  • How many emails were clicked? And how many clicks were there on average per email?

  • How many quotes were generated? When a carrier quoted, how many quotes did they generate?

We show the equations we use to calculate this in the dashboard so we won't repeat them here.

A good smart rule should have a 40% or higher open rate. If you are consistently getting lower open rates than that then you are being too generic in targeting your carriers.

Individual Rule Performance

In this section we break down which rules are firing the most frequently and which ones are not firing at all.

Use the Most Frequently Firing Smart Rules to figure out who is receiving the most emails. The next time you talk to these carriers, remind them that you are pushing them the freight they want and ask them why they aren't quoting every single load.

We also show who the carrier manager is for these carriers. If you see "no carrier manager" then it might be worth considering assigning one as you are aggressively targeting these carriers.

Conversely, the Smart Rules Not Firing shows you carriers who you are using and have Smart Rules set up with - but the Smart Rules may not be the right ones.

For each carrier, we show the number of loads they have done with you over the past 30 days (and this is overall, not matching the Smart Rule). We then show the Smart Rule(s) you have with that carrier that did not match any freight over the past 30 days.

You can delete these rules or, if it's seasonal freight, just leave them. It's also worth making sure that when you next talk to that carrier (look at the carrier manager!) that you update their lane preferences and Smart Rules as they may be drifting from your current freight mix.

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