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Smart Rules Intelligent Routing

Overview of Smart Rules for matching management.

Updated over 9 months ago

What is a Smart Rule?

Smart Rules are user-defined custom lanes that enable you to apply automated actions between specific load matches for one or more carriers.

Smart Rules enables how your company:

  • hides certain types of loads within specific lanes

  • boost certain types of loads within specific lanes

  • offer prices to certain types of loads within specific lanes

What can I match on?

Smart Rules can match on primary load attributes:

  • Origin Location (multiple cities and states can be accepted at the same time)

  • Destination Location (multiple cities and states can be accepted at the same time)

  • Equipment

  • Revenue Code

  • Customer ID

  • Commodity

  • Load Owner

Note: Origin and Destination locations do not have to be city-to-city pairs. You can use geographic regions like "Southeast" and "Midwest".

Can I override another Smart Rule?

Yes. You can override another SmartRule by setting its "Priority Level". Higher priority Smart Rules will override any other SmartRule.

Priority level choices ranked from highest to lowest:

  • Urgent

  • High

  • Normal

  • Low

If two Smart Rules have the same set of matched loads and conflict, Parade will prioritize any HIDE rules first to ensure that no freight that your team does not want visible remains hidden.

Example use case:

  • You want to enable Book Now prices for all of your outbound California VAN loads

  • You have a carrier (the "Contract Carrier") that is at a special contracted rate for outbound Los Angeles, CA VAN loads

  • You accomplish this by: (1) creating a Smart Rule for the Contract Carrier with the priority settings set to HIGH, and (2) creating a Smart Rule for any carrier with the priority settings set to NORMAL

All SmartRules meant for a carrier default to the "HIGH" priority and all Smart Rules meant for any type of carrier default to the "NORMAL" priority.

How do I enable certain prices for Book Now?

You can configure carrier offer prices for loads that match the Smart Rule by enabling the Smart Rule for Book Now by checking "Enable Book Now".

This enablement will enable you to configure an automated pricing strategy that will be used in presenting initial offer rates to the carrier.

How do I notify the carrier immediately of opportunities?

Under "Message Settings", you can enable "Instant Send" on the Smart Rule. This will prioritize sending a message to the carrier a few minutes after the load becomes available in the Parade system.

Parade has spam-protection safe measures and will not email the carrier multiple times within a four-hour window.

Instant Send is only available on carrier-specific Smart Rules.

How do I customize which carrier dispatcher receives the email?

Under "Message Settings > Carrier Users", you can specify carrier-specific emails that should receive the load opportunities over email.

How do I notify myself or a teammate when the carrier quotes or books?

Under "Message Settings > Internal Users", you can specify custom user emails to receive quoting and booking notifications due to carrier actions from the SmartRule.

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