Navigating to Smart Lanes
Find Smart Lanes by clicking on the “Smart Lanes” tab.
How To Create A Digital Offer
Step 1. Locate the lane you wish to create an offer for using Direct Search or Select from “My Lanes”
Step 2. Select “Add Digital Offer”
Step 3 Select Your Carrier and Set Your Digital Pricing Strategy
Step 4 Select Contact Information for the Carrier — This is where the Digital Offer will be sent. You can also add an internal contact to be cc’d on all tender offers to the Carrier.
Step 5 Select the time period for which the digital offer is valid
Step 6 Create Your Digital Offer
How To Add Lane Pricing
Step 1. Locate the lane you wish to create an offer for using Direct Search or Select from “My Lanes”
Step 2. Select Add Lane Pricing
Step 3. Select the Pricing Strategy You Wish to Use on That Lane
Step 4. Set Your Digital Pricing Strategy
Please Note: This setting will override your global pricing strategy, only set it to adjust your pricing strategy at the lane level.
These changes only affect new and updated loads as Parade receives the updates from your TMS.
Step 1. Locate the lane you wish to create an offer for using Direct Search or Select from “My Lanes”
Step 2. Filter for Desired Loads
Step 3. Create Your “Cascade”. Select Your Carriers in Order of Preference, Assign Each Carrier a Rate for their Digital Offer, and Set the Window for How Long the Offer is Exclusive
Please note, if a load cycles through Cascade and does not result in a Digital Booking, thefollowing will happen:
The listed Book Now price will fallback based on your preset Global or Lane Pricing Rules (unless you edit price)
The load will be posted to your Private Portal and/or Syndication Partners based on your preset marketplace settings (unless you disable posting)
Step 4. Select Contact Information for each Carrier — This is where the Digital Offer will be sent. You can also add an internal contact to be cc’d on all tender offers to the Carrier.
Step 5. Set a Timeframe for Your Cascade
Step 6 Activate Your Cascade