Here are a few key things to help you understand how Parade works:
We offer 4 core modules - Engagement, Intelligence, Connectivity, A.I. Data Enrichment.
Within those 4 core modules we have 6 products which can be added or removed at anytime - Email Automation, Freight Matching, Carrier Sourcing, Carrier API, Booking Magic Links, Dynamic Contract Analysis, Capacity Email Extraction.
Parades platform harnesses machine learning and artificial intelligence to drive each of our products.
What is each product for?
Email Automation - Offer your entire carrier network curated load opportunities based on real-time carrier preferences.
Freight Matching - Harnesses over 21 data points to help carrier reps accurately find the right carrier for your loads.
Carrier Sourcing - Ability to identify carriers and lane pricing for any lane that you are working on.
Carrier API - Allows your brokerage to display your freight to Parade's network of carriers while granting them mechanisms to digitally book or quote freight in real-time.
Booking Magic Links - Automatically generates unique links to allow your carriers to quote or book from email, sms, or 3rd party load boards.
Dynamic Contract Analysis - Harness our proprietary algorithms to better price and dedicate capacity to specific market to market lanes or city to city lanes.
Capacity Email Extraction - Gives you the ability to read carrier capacity emails and extract trucks for matching load matching.
These products are added or removed based on your business use cases and requirements, reach out to our sales team to learn more.