Sourcing carriers from your internal network is the best way to create a strong book of business as a carrier rep. A strong book of carriers as rep will strengthen your firms ability to gain long term dedicated customers, reduce fall off and set your broker out from the pack.
When your customer sales rep brings a customer in the door, they are selling your ability to efficiently book their freight with dedicated capacity. Let's learn how Parade can help you build a strong carrier book of business.
Real-Time Freight Matching
This is not a new concept and your TMS probably has some ability to show you some carrier options for a load. Often times a TMS will quickly show you any carriers who've done this specific load before. But your TMS won't give you the entire picture quickly and effectively.
When you navigate to the Loads tab within Parade you're able to see a synced list of all your available loads.
Step 1
Filter down to your area and time required. Either pick Today, Tomorrow or After tomorrow and select which origin or load number you're working on.
Step 2
Select the load you're working on to bring up all the details including in network carrier matches.
Direct Matches
These are carriers that have the following match type:
Email Capacity
Delivering Truck (Continuous Moves)
Carrier Search (Dark Capacity)
Carrier submitted Quotes
User Entered Trucks
Recurring Capacity
Posted Truck
Suggested Matches
These are matches that help you explore your carrier network even deeper. Parade is actively profiling over 21 data points on every carrier to provide you with the best matches for your load.
Items in Suggested and Direct Matches
Carrier Ask Rate
We're analyzing every priced lane preference, quote and counter negotiate that the carrier does. We then show you rates that are specific to this particular load you are looking at.
Historical Rate
This aggregates all of your historical carrier pay data to help you understand what carriers have done this exact load or similar loads for.
Recent Loads (90 days)
This looks at the number of loads that this carrier has done in this specific lane in the past 90 days.
Once you've contacted a carrier or learned more about a specific direct match, easily leave a comment that's visible to every carrier rep when viewing that match.
Bulk Actions
This button will allow you to automatically copy every email address for the carriers listed in Direct Matches or Suggested Carriers. Grab the emails and proactively email carriers for this load.
Pro Tip: Email all carriers and include a Magic Link so the carrier can digitally quote or book from any device.
Load Settings (the gear icon)
In the settings tab you can immediately archive the load, however Parade is synced to your TMS so loads that are booked will automatically become unavailable in Parade.
Update Load Rates
You can add carrier Start or Max in Parade, but again this is synced with the TMS if it gets updated.
Get Magic Link
If you want to email or text a carrier this specific load, click on "Get Magic Link" to generate a link that will enable the carrier to directly book the load.
This will direct your carrier to the exact load for immediate booking from any device. Note that carriers must have a valid Parade login in order to book the load.
Step 3
Actively reach out to these carriers armed with the necessary information to book this load with an in-network carrier.
This is how you can use Parade to proactively book freight with your in-network carriers. The strongest carrier sales reps and brokerages actively strive to use an in-network carrier over posting their loads to a load board.
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