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CoDriver Overview: Streamlining Load Management with Automation
CoDriver Overview: Streamlining Load Management with Automation

CoDriver automates carrier communication and inbox management, streamlining load inquiries for freight brokers and improving efficiency.

Updated over a week ago

CoDriver is Parade's automated tool that manages carrier communication on behalf of freight brokers. It takes control of centralized inboxes, ensuring load inquiries are efficiently handled, reducing the manual workload for reps. CoDriver manages conversations across different brokerage models, from cradle-to-grave to hybrid setups. It improves load posting and booking by automatically interacting with carriers and escalating inquiries when needed. By automating routine tasks, brokers can focus on more strategic activities.

Setting up CoDriver ensures efficient workflows with loadboards, centralized inboxes, and accurate escalations when needed, reducing workload and ensuring fast responses.

Benefits of CoDriver

  • Inbox Automation & Reduced Manual Work: CoDriver takes over load-related emails, managing inquiries and responses. It automates repetitive tasks, freeing up reps to focus on higher-value activities.

  • Improved Workflow: It reduces delays in communication with carriers, improving response times with a reply-all feature.

  • Scalable for Teams: Supports different brokerage models like cradle-to-grave, split-models, and hybrids for optimal load management.

  • Efficient Escalations: Automatically escalates conversations when additional support is needed, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

How CoDriver Functions

  • Centralized Inbox Setup: CoDriver integrates with the broker’s centralized inbox, handling load inquiries and responses.

  • Automated Load Posting: Brokers can post loads to loadboards through Parade with guaranteed visibility.

  • Carrier Communication: CoDriver manages carrier conversations, replying to inquiries and automatically escalating as necessary.

  • Escalation Protocol: If CoDriver cannot resolve an inquiry, it escalates the issue to the appropriate team within the brokerage.

Setting Up CoDriver

  1. Post to Loadboards: Ensure that the loads posted through Parade are visible on your Marketplace Syndications and on your Parade for Carriers loadboard to avoid ghost loads.

  2. Group Email Setup: Use a group inbox to streamline communication through CoDriver.

  3. Schedule a CoDriver Demo & Setup: Slot a meeting with Zack, our CoDriver specialist, to get your setup started on our end.

  4. Take a look into our CoDriver Documentation while we setup your account: To take full benefit of all the features and possibilities that will be open to you after we've finished setting up your account.

  5. Encourage Team Adoption: Ensure all reps are using CoDriver to avoid confusion with routing or missed loads, once your CoDriver account is configured.


What is CoDriver’s primary function?
CoDriver automates carrier communication and load management, streamlining inbox workflows and improving efficiency.

Does CoDriver work with all brokerage models?
Yes, CoDriver supports cradle-to-grave, split-model, and hybrid setups for brokerage operations.

What happens when CoDriver can't handle an email?
When CoDriver cannot resolve an inquiry, it automatically escalates the conversation to the appropriate team or centralized inbox.

Can CoDriver prevent ghost loads?
Yes, CoDriver ensures that only loads with full visibility are posted to loadboards, reducing the risk of ghost loads.

How does CoDriver improve carrier communication?
By automating replies and encouraging the use of a reply-all system, CoDriver speeds up communication with carriers and reduces delays.

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