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6/11/2024 Update to Magic Links
Written by Lindsey Pendleton
Updated over a week ago

What Are Magic Links?

Magic Links are a handy tool for you to share load details directly with carriers. When you use a Magic Link, you can ensure that carriers can view the load details without any restrictions that might normally prevent access.

Key Features:

Overrides Viewing Restrictions: Magic Links bypass Global Hide Rules and Cascades. It does not override Carrier-specific Hides.

Does Not Alter Booking Privileges: While Magic Links let carriers see load details, they don't let them book the load. To book a load, carriers must:

  • Be enabled for Parade.

  • Pass your identity provider (if set up).

  • Ensure the load is bookable.

Broad Visibility: Magic Links aren’t mapped to a specific carrier. Anyone with the link can view the load details.

Permissions: The token in the Magic Link URL has specific permissions:

  • Bypass Cascade: Allows carriers to see the load regardless of cascade settings.

  • Bypass Global Hides: Ensures carriers can view the load even if there are Global Hides in place.

How to Use Magic Links

Sharing the Link: You can paste the Magic Link directly into an email or instant message to share it with carriers. This method ensures they can see the load details, overriding any global hide rules.

Checking Permissions: If a carrier can't see the load after using the Magic Link, check the Carrier Profile permission settings or carrier-specific hide rules.

Validation: Normal checks still apply to ensure security:

  • Validate the carrier's email.

  • Confirm the carrier is logged in.

  • Check if the carrier is actively working with your brokerage.

How to Get a Magic Link

You can get a Magic Link from both the Loads Page and the Detailed Load View.

To get a Magic Link from the Loads page, click the 3 dot icon next to the load you want to get a link for and then select Get Magic Link.

The link will be automatically copied to your clipboard.

To get a Magic Link from the Detailed Load View, click the gear icon next to the load and then select Get Magic Link.

The link will be automatically copied to your clipboard.

Best Practices

Wait for Cascade Completion: It's best to wait until the Cascade has cycled through, indicated by a blue notification, before sending the Magic Link to ensure all automated processes have been accounted for.

Monitor Access: To maintain control over your load details, keep track of who has access to the Magic Link and make sure it's shared only with trusted carriers.

By understanding and using Magic Links effectively, you can streamline the process of sharing load details with carriers, improving communication and efficiency.

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