Parade provides you with two reports to understand how your carrier reps are using Parade and the impact it is having.
At Parade, we think of metrics as "input" or "output" metrics. "Inputs" are the things you can do or the knobs you can tune - and "outputs" are the results you get. If you want to change an output, change an input first.
We've divided our reporting along these lines:
Carrier Rep Actions - this report shows what actions (full list below) carrier reps are taking in Parade
Carrier Rep Performance - this report shows the impact of those actions, at both the carrier rep and team level
Let's walk through the details of each of these reports and then talk about how to use these to drive more success and digital bookings.
Carrier Rep Actions
This report shows a rolling 8 weeks of carrier actions, broken out by carrier rep:
If a carrier rep didn't do something in a given week, we leave that field blank.
We track the following actions:
Did a person create a Smart Rule? Smart Rules are great ways to get targeted freight in front of carriers before they book out their trucks (short video)
Did a person capture any carrier lane preferences or available trucks (potentially even getting quotes for those available trucks)? Our Lanes & Trucks feature lets you capture a carrier's lane preferences and available trucks while talking to them on the phone.
Did a person send any Book Now requests or invite any carriers to Parade? In order to book digitally, a carrier needs a Parade login (short video). And you can request a carrier to digitally book any loads with Book Now prices (2:45 in this short video).
Did a person log in to Parade daily? Parade works best when it's a daily habit. We track this for you.
Did a person edit the rate prices on a load? How many times have they interacted with loads on Parade recently? We track your Reps' interactions with loads inside Parade to give you a better idea at how much they've been using the system.
Carrier Rep Performance
When carriers perform the actions measured above, they are going to see impact: more Book Nows, quotes, repeat carriers and covered loads. The will also see revenue and gross margin improvements (both $ and % basis). We measure this on a monthly basis for the past 6 months:
We measure the following metrics:
All loads booked by a rep, whether in Parade or not
Number of Book Nows a rep has had
Number of quotes Parade has generated for that rep
4+ Carriers - the number of carriers who carrier at least four loads for that rep in that month
Revenue - the sum of the customer rate for each load
Gross Margin $ - the difference between the customer rate and the assigned carrier rate
Gross Margin % - Gross Margin $ / Revenue
We also roll up results by team. We determine a team by looking first at whether the "team" data if populated on a load; if not, then we fall back to a "branch name" and finally a "revenue code." Depending upon how you are configured, you may see on of the above.
If you don't see team results, please contact us: We'll need some info for how your teams are set up and then we'll get it working.
You can also see a list of Unknown Users (this may be empty for you). These are people who covered loads at your brokerage but do not have a Parade account. They are scrubbed from all the metrics above; if you create a Parade account for them, we'll begin tracking metrics for them.
Reps vs. Carrier Managers
We provide two different views into the data. We show the reports once based on who was assigned credit for the load (sometimes called the "load owner" within a company). These are the default reports that appear at the top of the page.
Some companies have carrier managers who own relationships with a carrier and get credit for loads booked on those carriers. We provide a second slice of the reporting where we show the same metrics but cut by carrier manager.
If you don't have carrier managers set up at your company, just ignore these. We provide both views to support all types of brokerages.
Using These Metrics to Drive Performance
Metrics are useful to understand the current state of performance but how can you use these metrics to drive more digital bookings and quotes?
Our customers have told us at least three ways they are doing so:
Recognition - Identify the people who are having the most success with Parade, showcase what they have done (e.g., I created x Smart Rules and next week I got a Book Now). Have them explain how they use Parade and use the metrics to identify the specific actions they are taking vs. other team members.
Compensation - Tie certain outcomes to promotion or similar. One customer told us that their reps need to get a certain number of Book Nows over a period before they are eligible for promotion.
Competition - Have a competition to see how can create the most Lane Preferences or Available Trucks in a given week. Then watch how quotes and Book Nows begin to increase.
Missing Metrics?
We hope these reports are useful right out of the box, but if there are additional metrics we can measure to develop carrier reps, please let us know: